Sunday, February 16, 2020

The achievements of Generals are in the long run more decisive than Essay

The achievements of Generals are in the long run more decisive than the achievements of diplomats. Access the validity of this generalization for the United States in the period 1800-1825 - Essay Example main functions of such diplomats are to find ways round to the protection and representation of their states interests and at the same time to promote and foster communication and friendly relations. Generals on the other hand, are general state officers of the highest military rank usually belonging to the army or the air force. Such general’s main function is the use of military force and regulations to enforce their nation’s interests and representation. This is more often than not through war tactics (smith, 1980). According to Smith (1980) the use of generals in the achievement of objectives during the times considered to be a more sure mode of action and fairly quicker than diplomatic tactics. Where diplomats tactics dragged on for long periods of time, most generals military tactics would take much shorter time periods provided the availability of the required access of resources such as during the period of the trial of tears. The â€Å"casualties† were immense but, the objectives of the general’s orders subsequently met, and thus land obtained. Taking the example of U.S generals Andrew Jackson and William Henry who went to war against Britain in the year 1812, they won against states that used diplomatic means to face them and where some of the U.S diplomats had failed. After the carrying out of various diplomatic resolutions to solve the American problems at sea and to end Indian raids in the west, the state decided to finally employ the services of the generals. Though employing the techniques of invasions and divisions of alliances, they were able to achieve their objectives. They repulsed invasions by the British and broke off alliances between the British and the Indians and hence made the enemies weaker to suppress. The federalists and diplomats who were against the war to the extent of trading and threatening succession with the enemy devastated by the U.S general’s triumphant ending of the war. As a result, the U.S sea interests and the

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Employee Relations Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Employee Relations - Case Study Example These items pass through their network of 70 mail centers, 8 regional distribution centers and3,000 delivery offices. Then the fleet of over 30,000 red vehicles and 33,000 bicycles help them to deliver these items to their final destinations or recipients. Employment relationship or industrial relations particularly refers to the legal relationship between the employer and the employee. Thus it's obvious that employment relationship creates a set of reciprocal rights and corresponding obligations on the part of the employer and the employee (Darlington, 2009). A healthy relationship between employers and employees is a very important factor in the efficiency and the success of any organization. When considering the labor relations and disputes, a small conflict between the above parties can be a serious issue and it can turn the entire business into bankruptcy if both parties do not negotiate with each other and find solutions quickly and effectively. This is due to the fact that the bargaining power of individuals or trade unions is unlimited. So it is necessary to have a stable policy and procedure for the effective execution of employee relations, especially regarding the labor disputes (Bennett, 1999). Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) is the governing body and the facilitator of employee relations and conflict issues in... The employees are demanding high wages to make adjustments to their living costs against inflation in the economy by giving various reasons to justify the issue, such as higher operating cost in the organization due to a lack of experience and the commitment of the executives. And they know the importance of the organization and its existence in order to serve the people in the country. They feel that there is a negative attitude towards the employees on the part of the administrative officers. They further argue that the high wages of Royal Mail's chief executive officers is one of the reasons for their woes. The employees feel that there is a huge discrimination in wage levels between and among executives and the workers.There are various bargaining positions adopted by the employees, such as distributive bargaining and classic bargaining. In all these positions are adopted in order to secure increases in the wage level of the employees, reduce the work hours and get approvals for medical leaves. Yet another type of bargaining is the integrative bargaining that includes raising health and safety of the employees to improve the quality of life of employees. Intra-organizational bargaining is concerned with the matters relating to internal problems such as wastage, long working hours etc. If employees are not confident that the authorities are not considering their bargaining issues they might possibly go for the union tactics to redress their grievances. Slowdowns of the operations, stoppages and even outright strikes are staged by them to win over rights. If the employees feel first two tactics are not going to work they might conduct a public strike as